How to treat papilloma on the penis: the best way

Papilloma on the male penis

Papilloma on the penis has caused serious concern among many men of childbearing age. This structure is not only unsightly, but also potentially harmful to health. Although these structures are inherently benign, the complications of this disease are full of consequences that lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important for men to understand the growth of papilloma on the penis, the early symptoms of pathology, and how to treat papilloma on the penis. Early diagnosis and selection of the best treatment methods will minimize the risk of complications and prevent the spread of the disease among the patient’s relatives.

Causes of papilloma on the penis

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Genital growth occurs only when the following factors are combined:

  1. The man was infected with the papilloma virus (in the penis after infection, the formation may not appear for a long time before the second factor takes effect).
  2. The host organism's weakened immune system no longer contains pathogens. When the virus is activated, it begins to destructively affect the process of cell division, leading to the formation of papilloma on the penis.

Infections mainly occur through sexual contact, but cases of virus transmission in daily life are not isolated. A warm and humid room is a favorable environment for microorganisms, so public baths, saunas, gyms, and locker rooms are likely to be infected. When a boy is infected by his mother during childbirth, the vertical route of infection is also different. No cases of intrauterine infection in the child have been recorded.

As mentioned earlier, the presence of a virus in the body does not cause papilloma of the penis; treatment in this case is designed to support the patient's protective function. However, once the body stops suppressing the pathology, unpleasant growths begin to appear on the genitals.

The human body protection function fails under the following conditions:

  • Chronic diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory process;
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • Alcohol or other substances poison the body;
  • Constant stress and overwork.
important! Barrier contraceptives cannot completely guarantee protection against human papillomavirus infection. First, pathogenic microorganisms can even penetrate the pores of synthetic materials. Second, infections can occur through areas of the skin that are not protected by contraceptives, and people who do not know the disease will become carriers of the infection.

What is a papilloma on the penis like?

What kind of papilloma on the penis looks like

Only with the help of special tests can it be possible to detect the virus during the incubation period. But once the disease enters the active phase, there will be indirect signs first, and then changes will appear on the skin of the reproductive organs.

The first symptoms of penile papilloma virus may be:

  • Phimosis and excessive secretion in the folds of the foreskin of the penis;
  • Inflammation of penile tissue;
  • Erosion of head tissue.

Over time, the patient will independently see abnormal growth on the genitals. The appearance of the strata depends on the location of the virus strain and papilloma of the penis:

  • On the foreskin-The size of the leg structure is small, and the color is almost indistinguishable from the skin color;
  • Close to the reins-Small papillary growths, sometimes resembling white papules;
  • On the head-Pointed growth of light pink hue;
  • On the reproductive stem-Bushke-Levinstein warts may form.
important! The first health problem should be the reason to see a doctor immediately. A single growth will grow over time and form a large group, completely or partially destroying the function of the organ. Benign lesions can also be malignant.

Diagnosis characteristics of penile papilloma

Diagnosis of HPV in vivo

Before looking for information on how to treat penile papilloma, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease, because the structure of the private area can be caused by various types of viruses. If you find symptoms of disease or after unprotected intercourse, when infection is suspected, you should contact a urologist or dermatologist. The doctor will perform a visual inspection to identify the growth and perform tests to determine the virus strain.

For a detailed diagnosis, it is necessary to pass:

  • General blood analysis;
  • PCR detection;
  • Cytology of urinary tract secretions;
  • Tissue formation biopsy (must be performed if tumor transformation is suspected).

In some cases, additional consultations with immunologists, endocrinologists and oncologists may be required. Only based on the results of a thorough diagnosis, can we determine the best way to remove papilloma of the penis.

important! HPV testing should be performed on men who are at risk (when they change sexual partners frequently, have chronic diseases, or are diagnosed with other genital infections). Early detection of the virus will prevent papilloma on the penis.

The best way to treat penile papilloma

Treatment of papilloma of the penis must be carried out. Ignoring this problem is the cause of the inflammatory process in the intimate area, pain during intercourse, over time and any movement-bleeding, degeneration into tumor structures. It should be understood that the papilloma virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body. However, choosing the best treatment will make you forget the problem for a long time. Modern medicine has a wealth of methods to remove papilloma of the penis. According to the doctor’s recommendation, prescribe antiviral medications and medicaments to destroy the formation. You can use hardware methods to remove tumors. Some people prefer to use alternative medicine recipes. However, it is better to consult a doctor before using such formulas.

Treating papilloma of the penis with drugs

Drug treatment of penile papilloma

Removal of the papilloma on the penis will relieve the discomfort, but such an operation will not prevent the emergence of new formations. In order to locate the virus, one must drink a set of drugs prescribed by a doctor. Generally, the following are assigned:

  • Oral antiviral drugs. . .
  • Immunostimulants and immunomodulators. . .

Today, papilloma on the penis can also be removed with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. These drugs have a local effect on the tissues.

Medications can take several weeks (up to 3 weeks), provided that the patient strictly adheres to the doctor's instructions. The treatment plan is prescribed by the doctor individually in each case.

Hardware removal of papilloma of the penis

Hardware removal of papilloma on the penis

Despite the available medical treatment, the question of how to remove the papilloma on the penis still exists. If oral antiviral agents and immunomodulators can prevent the formation of new formations, and chemical exposure can overcome a single growth, then radical methods must be used to remove large formations or their populations:

  • Radio wave surgery. . . Today, it is considered an advanced technology against unwanted structures. Removal of papilloma on the penis is quick, accurate and almost painless. The number of treatment courses is specified by the doctor.
  • Laser Treatment. . . It allows you to use a high-temperature directional beam to remove the papilloma on the penis, a small piece of crusty remains on the growth site, which will disappear over time. The cost of the procedure is quite high, but at the same time it is actually painless, even considering the very sensitive location of the formation.
  • Low temperature destruction. . . It is used to remove large formations; after destruction, it will leave a dense crust, which will disappear after a few weeks.
  • Electrocoagulation. . . This method cannot be called the best method because of its pain, but at the same time it allows you to get rid of the papilloma on the penis with the least possibility of recurrence. At the same time, the procedure is available to everyone, every treatmentThe cost is very low.

Classic surgery is used when the reproductive organs are almost completely covered by growths or there is a risk of cancer. This kind of surgery requires a long recovery period, but it still leaves scars. The cost of surgery is calculated on an individual basis.

Folk remedies against papilloma of the penis

Tea tree oil fights papilloma on the penis

If papilloma appears on the penis, the following methods can be used:

  • Use tea tree oil regularly until the accumulation is completely eliminated;
  • Rub the ground with egg whites;
  • Propolis compression.

You should press and rub at least 2 times a day until the problem disappears completely. In some cases, this treatment may take up to 2 months.

Traditional medicine also lists some other recipes on how to remove papilloma on the penis, including kneading vinegar, rowan juice, and celandine juice.

This type of formulation must be used with great care, as the delicate skin close to the disease-causing structure may be affected.

Papilloma on the penis is a disease that cannot be ignored. Complications of this structure may be bleeding, inflammation of the reproductive organs, and in the worst case, tumor transformation of the tissue. Early diagnosis will enable you to quickly respond to the problem and determine how to treat papilloma of the penis. So far, many good methods for combating papilloma have been developed, but the most effective method is selected individually. The doctor will choose the best method (medicine, hardware, folk or their combination) according to the patient’s condition